Monday, December 21, 2020

Top 4 Principles Of Designing Responsive Websites


In today’s world, having a responsive website for a company or a business is more of a necessity than a luxury as it has its own set of advantages. When you have a responsive design for your website you can be sure of getting high traffic as your target users can access your website through mobile phones, desktops, and other touchscreen devices. But do you know what are the top 4 principles of designing responsive websites? What should designers keep in mind while creating a responsive website? Is it necessary to follow the principles of responsive web design? We will discuss all these things in this blog.

Since most of the customers do not have a good amount of technical knowledge for designing responsive websites they hire a web design company to get their job done. 

Read More: Top 4 Principles Of Designing Responsive Websites

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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Negative SEO Guide: What Is Negative SEO? How To Secure Your Website From Negative SEO Attacks? SFWPExperts


Negative SEO is considered a nightmare for websites and no business around the world wishes to deal with it.  In today’s competitive market place every website knows how hard it is to rank on the top for a particular keyword. A Negative SEO campaign against your website can actually damage your website ranking and the worst part it takes a lot of time to recover from it.  

If you are not aware of how Negative SEO works and what damage it can do to your website and its ranking then make sure you stick to this article till the end. As we are going to offer every small detail about negative SEO starting from what is negative SEO? How can websites identify negative SEO attacks? And most importantly how you can prevent those attacks. 

Every year the SEO industry is evolving with a goal to mitigate the malicious activities happening on the web to rank websites on the top in SERP. In the early days, websites used to implement various black hat techniques like keyword stuffing, backlink spam, and more to rank on the top in search engine result pages. 

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